vocab: herculean.;-- tremendous in size, strength difficulty, or effort. Father 51 sons and 49 daughters in one night. Most famous for his 12 labors. ;Vocab_Energizers_1 vocab: bowdlerize.;-- remove or change parts considered vulgar or immoral. ;Vocab_Energizers_1 vocab: pandemonium.;-- utter confusion or wild uproar. ;Vocab_Energizers_1 vocab: pander.;-- play up to another's desires and weaknesses. ;Vocab_Energizers_1 vocab: quixotic.;-- idealistic but not practical. ;Vocab_Energizers_1 vocab: cynical.;-- doubting the goodness and sincerity of human motives. ;Vocab_Energizers_1 vocab: stoical.;-- indifferent to pain and pleasure. ;Vocab_Energizers_1 vocab: stigma.;-- mark of disgrace. ;Vocab_Energizers_1 vocab: impede.;-- hinder, obstruct, slow down the process of. ;Vocab_Energizers_1 vocab: expedite.;-- speed up; hasten or help the accomplishment of ;Vocab_Energizers_1